Hay fever

Hay fever can be hereditary or be caused by a disturbance in the immune system.

Stress can disrupt the effective working of mucous membranes.

Acupuncture in combination with Chinese herbs can restore the balance of energy in the body, which can reduce or completely relieve the symptoms of hay fever.

For the most effective treatment of hay fever, the patient is advised to visit the acupuncturist prior to the 'hay fever seasons' (spring and fall). Nevertheless, acupuncture is also effective at providing relief from active hay fever.


Headaches can have multiple causes: such as headaches due to flu, a cold, (muscle) tension or primary headaches due to migraine.

The cause of the headache often remains unknown.

Acupuncture focuses on finding the cause of imbalance. In some cases, an excess build up of energy in the head causes headaches, whereas in other cases the cause is a blockage of energy flow to the head.

Acupuncture can help regulate the flow of energy in the body and thus relieve the pain.


In some cases, an inexplicable form of infertility can occur in women. Despite no discoverable abnormalities, some women cannot get pregnant. By regulating the female hormones by means of Chinese herbs and acupuncture, the patient will feel better and therefore produce less stress hormones in the body ─ breaking the negative cycle. This treatment has often successfully resolved the problem of inexplicable infertility. Acupuncture also helps with IVF treatment.


The onset of menopause is associated with a variety of symptoms. Hot flashes, sweating, insomnia, palpitations, mood swings, loss of libido, fatigue, headache... most women experience a number of these symptoms during menopause.

Menstruation disorders

Menstruation disorders such as high levels of pain, blood loss, or an irregular cycle, are signs that energy flows are being stagnated in the abdomen.

This can occur due to scarring after an abdominal operation or an emotional blockage. Young women can also suffer from these symptoms.

The combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbs can restore the flow of energy through the abdomen, significantly minimising the discomfort during the menstruation period.


Osteoporosis is a progressive bone disease that is characterised by a decrease in bone mass and density. The decalcification of the skeleton is a significant problem for many older men and women. The disease causes bones to get brittle, increasing the risk of fracture and thus requiring the patient to live with care. This risk can be minimised by regulating hormone levels combined with a healthy lifestyle and exercise.
The regulating of hormone levels can be done by means of acupuncture treatment in combination with Chinese herbs.

Post-traumatic dystrophy (PD)

Post-traumatic dystrophy (PD) was initially known as Sudeck's atrophy (extensively written about by German surgeon Paul Sudeck (1866-1945)) and has now officially been defined as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). The chronic systemic disease remains a poorly understood condition that can cause severe pain to a limb (often hand or foot) after a trauma. This was often a remarkably small or relatively trivial injury such as a slight sprain or prick of a needle or thorn. CRPS is associated with the deregulation of the autonomic nervous system, causing an error during recalibration that results in persistent pain. The condition has also been noted to occur spontaneously.

Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS)

Depression, breast tenderness, bloating, and fatigue... these are symptoms experienced by women suffering from PMS a week or two before menstruation.

A small portion of these women experience severe restrictions in their daily lives. Hormone imbalances and stress can have a negative impact on the premenstrual period.

Research has shown that acupuncture has a quick and positive effect on PMS symptoms. Acupuncture enables energy to flow in the body, which has a soothing effect on both the mind and body.